Monday, November 27, 2006

Hot For Teacher: A Haiku

yardstick sings, ass stings...
room: swooning witness

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Alone on Thanksgiving: A Haiku

Yes...I am alone
Fuck your lame pity invite...
I'll eat top ramen

Friday, November 10, 2006

R.I.P. Jack Palance: A Haiku

Jack Palance is dead
this is all I have to say...
"burn you creepy fuck!"

Writing Prompt: 11-09-06

Our timed prompt was to describe ourselves in what we love. I've been spending a lot of time alone with my mannequins chose to write about how I see myself in them:

Circle of Friends, or
Me Reflected in the Eyes of my Mannequins

I am Tommie on the sideline
best player / last picked

I am Gwendolyn's icy gaze
pensive and plotting

I am Sivvy's sexy blush
shy but calculated

I am Lucy's frozen gait
mid-skip, pre-stumble
ready to run